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Closed Loop Reporting Template

Closed Loop Reporting is complicated? It doesn't have to be. Your marketing efforts should be based on data and you can start tracking your efforts in a spreadsheet.
Complete the form to the right and get a reporting template that will help you track:
  • Website to lead conversion
  • Lead to customer conversion
  • Sales value change per month
  • Margin per month

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Why Closed Loop Reporting?

Closed-loop reporting is an essential aspect of any successful marketing campaign. It involves tracking data from leads generated through marketing efforts and then analyzing that data to determine which strategies are most effective. This information can be used to optimize campaigns and improve results, resulting in more leads, more conversions, and more revenue. Although it may seem complicated, getting started with closed-loop reporting is actually quite simple. By using a simple spreadsheet to track data and analyzing it regularly, businesses can gain valuable insights into their marketing efforts and make informed decisions about how to improve them. With the help of the free closed-loop reporting template provided, businesses can quickly and easily get started with closed-loop reporting, without the need for specialized software or extensive training.

How to

How to use the free Closed Loop Reporting Template?

Follow the steps below to start reporting on your entire funnel from website conversion to revenue. If you'd like a hand, book a time using the calendar on the right to see if HubOps can help you with your Revenue Operations.

  1. Make a copy of the Google Sheets template in your own drive or download your own version
  2. Set a SMART goal so you know what you're measuring against.
  3. You can measure weekly, monthly even daily depending on your goal and whether you are measuring overall growth or campaign results which would be more short-term.
  4. Don't edit the fields in red, these fields contain formulas.
  5. Website Visits / Sessions should be pulled from Google or another analytics tool you use. These are the total visits to your website during the month.
  6. Measure the number of leads coming in either by utilizing your CRM or in conjunction with your sales team. Remember, define what constitutes a lead vs a subscriber or contact.
  7. The final number of closed customers are new deals closed in that particular month. This would include repeat purchases. If you rely on reselling, you may want to consider a column for the number of repeat customers and then include two additional columns for "new sales value" and "repeat customer sales value".
  8. Calculating your conversion rates to lead and customer is vital to understand how realistic your goal is and whether you can improve conversion rates enough to reach it.
  9. If you have the numbers, add your cost per acquisition.
  10. Get in touch with HubOps if you need a hand!

"I don't always like it but I do some reporting in excel"

A photo of Shaun Benson, Marketing Manager, Agriflora
Every Marketer

@ Every Company Inc.