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Lead flow map: Conversion to Deal with HubSpot's Prospecting Beta

Lead flow map
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Why a lead flow map?

As your marketing setup becomes more complex and as you are working with more and more inbound leads that are routed to your Sales teams, it's important to know exactly what happens with these leads in the system, how you keep track of them and which properties are updates. 

Mapping the customer journey for the type of organization I love working with presents a challenge. These organizations have lengthy, complex sales cycles and involve large buying committees. To effectively attribute meaningful interactions to deals or generated pipelines, we calculate MQLs and diligently timestamp each time a person takes an action that qualifies them as an MQL. I utilize multiple custom properties to manage how we should treat these individuals, understand their expectations from the organization, identify their owners, and determine the subsequent steps. Although the setup may seem cumbersome at times, I often encounter arguments against MQLs or statements citing the MQL's demise, such as "I don't like MQLs" or "Forrester says the MQL is dead." While I do agree to some extent, I still require a tool to measure and track these engagements.

This lead flow map tracks a lead from an inbound conversion through HubSpot's prosectint tool and to deal creation. 

Build a scalable funnel

Automate lead creation

Collaborate across commercial teams


Every customer deserves a well functioning funnel



"Nikita took a complex and controversial subject and delivered a laid back, inviting and of course, informative talk."

Rikke Lear

Director, Digital 22

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