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Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is a marketing approach that focuses on attracting customers through the creation of valuable content and experiences that are tailored to their needs and interests. It is a customer-centric approach that aims to build trust, engage potential customers, and ultimately convert them into loyal advocates of your brand.

Inbound marketing is often associated with the use of various digital channels such as social media, blogs, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing. By leveraging these channels effectively, businesses can attract, engage, and delight customers with relevant content that helps them make informed decisions and builds lasting relationships with their brand.

apply the methodology
How do you get started with inbound marketing?

By implementing the inbound marketing strategy, you can rely on a proven methodology that enables you to comprehend the buyer's journey, from being a stranger to becoming a promoter.

It also encompasses the funnel stages and the requisite tools for each stage. With the inclusion of setting SMART goals, determining your personas, and effective reporting, you can tailor your sales approach to meet your buyers' needs and significantly enhance your conversion rates.



Top of the Funnel

You need to attract the right audience to your site. To ensure you have the right foundation your technical and on-page SEO need to be reviewed to ensure you meet search engine standards. Based on your keywords you then begin to create relevant content which you promote through social media and organic SEO. 

Middle of the Funnel
Once the right audience has found your site, we need to consider how you convert these to leads. It is often not enough to have a “request quote” button, a relationship must be established. To do so we create a combination of CTAs (Call to Action buttons), landing pages, forms and lists.
Bottom  of the Funnel
Now, your audience has turned into a lead and we need to focus on converting this lead into a customer. Ongoing nurturing through emails and workflows as well as prioritization using lead scoring and a possible integration with your CRM system help you close these leads into customers.
Customer Marketing
Often forgotten but vital: closed customers! You have relationships with existing customers and partners and we want to be sure that you have a strategy in place to continuously engage with existing customers, build relationships with new customers and drive word of mouth online.

It's not just marketing

Inbound transformation

When an entire organization focusses on the inbound marketing approach it becomes more customer-centric and successful. BusinessBrew offers custom consulting to transform your marketing and business. 

Transforming a business to a customer-centric organization evolving around data and inbound marketing isn’t something you do overnight. Often, the process starts with marketing who realize that the old way of doing things isn’t working anymore and are looking to change.

HubOps offers workshops to build personas, and buyer’s journeys and facilitate transformation within your business. Our consulting services build approaches to applying customer-centric strategy throughout your marketing that affects the entire organization.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to start with 'Attract'?
Inbound marketing can be overwhelming, especially when considering implementing the whole methodology at once. However, it is not necessary to start at the beginning of the methodology to make it work. Instead, you can start with the stage that presents your biggest challenge, such as the attract, convert, close or delight stage. For instance, if you have existing customers, starting at the delight stage to turn them into brand advocates can lead to repeat subscriptions and referrals. If you have leads in your pipeline, start at the close stage to evaluate them before starting specific campaigns. If your biggest problem is a lack of traffic, start at the attract stage and work through your buyer persona's pain points to attract the right audience. Identifying your biggest challenge involves creating a closed loop reporting sheet and diving into your analytics to gather supporting data for the reporting. Once you solve your biggest challenge, elements that need to be amended in the other stages will become much clearer.
How does this fit into my PPC strategy?
Your inbound and PPC strategy should be complementary. The better your inbound marketing, the easier it is to generate traffic from your paid ads, and the more likely is is they'll convert into paying customers. HubOps doesn't specializes in PPC but we work with trusted partners who do.
Should I have persona's?

'We cannot sell to an ICP' is something I heard from a customer on a sales call recently. And they were right. Sure, you need to understand the types of businesses you sell to but getting to know the people who hold the budget to purchase your product or services is going to be key in determining what content you create and how you promote it. Building your buyer personas and their buyer journey should be the first step in your marketing strategy. 

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