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Privacy Notice

Right to privacy

HubOps believes in the power of inbound marketing and doesn’t gather any personal information you don’t consent to share with us. We will never collect or publish any personal information without your explicit permission and we will never trade this information with third parties. Any personal information that you choose to share with us will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality and our privacy guidelines comply with European laws.

Information we collect

We collect information from you when you visit our site, subscribe to our blog or complete a form. When completing a form you may be asked to enter your name, email address and other information.

The information we collect through our forms may be used in the following ways:

    • To personalise your experience;

    • To improve our website;

    • To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature;

    • To send relevant emails.

How we collect information

We use Google Analytics, Search Console and Adwords as well as HubSpot to help analyse how users use the site. The tools use cookies to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to Google and HubSpot. This information is then used to evaluate visitors’ use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity.

The personal information we gather through forms is stored in our secure HubSpot CRM system. We don’t collect sensitive data such as payment details in our CRM. We use cookies to optimise your experience on your website. If you prefer to turn off cookies, you can do so with the instructions on this page.

As it is not technically possible for you to complete a form and your data not being processed by our CRM (once you hit submit your details are sent to the CRM and stored), we have to obtain your consent or simply cannot complete your request. If you have questions on this or would like to access a gated piece of content without completing a form contact with your request.

How long we store information

We intend data from opted in contacts until they revoke that op-in or until they haven't engaged with any HubOps content for two years as we do not want to unsubscribe any of our followers from our blog or marketing updates unless they do so themselves. Customer data will be stored for a maximum of 5 years in order to comply with requirements around reporting and accounting but also in order to provide customers with copies of previously completed work if required. Contacts who are engaged in active sales conversations will have their data stored for the same length of time as customers. This is to facilitate longer sales cycles as well as to comply with requirements around reporting. 

Third party information sharing

HubOps only uses information as defined in this policy, this means we will never sell, trade or otherwise share your personally identifiable or anonymised information. This does not include trusted third parties that support us in operating our website or servicing our visitors as long as these partners comply with our privacy guidelines. We may be required to release information when this is mandatory to comply with the law or to protect your or our rights, property or safety.

Personally identifiable information includes information which can be used to identify you. Examples of personally identifiable information are your name, email address, your address and phone number.

Unsubscribe and the right to be forgotten

You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time. We include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email. Additionally, you can email to unsubscribe. In accordance with European law you have the right to see what data we have collected and you have the right to request removal of this data, simply email with your request.

Consent and changes

By using this website you consent to our website’s privacy policy. Any updates to the privacy policy will be reflected on this page. This page has been last updated in June 2o23