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Startup growth: GTM, demand generation and lead handling

23 June 2023 Nikita Smits-Jørgensen

I thrive on bouncing ideas off others, and it's no different when I write these blog posts. Most of them stem from conversations I have with clients or prospects about our shared goals. This particular article was inspired by an advisor for an early-stage startup that's ready for a complete overhaul of their Marketing and Sales efforts. It's always a thrill to work with a company that has a solid product, a talented team, and ample funding to execute on their plans.

Transitioning from a product-led growth to a sales-led growth B2B SaaS company can be daunting, especially when there are countless tasks and projects involved. However, collaboration is key! It's important to work with your team to determine which form fields, content, and promotions align with your buyer persona, ICP, and buying committees. Remember, all website content, presentations, sales sequences, and FAQ documents should align cohesively. By focusing on these assets, you can ensure a successful shift in your Go To Market strategy.


Why build it all at the same time

When it comes to changing up your Go To Market strategy and refreshing your Marketing and Sales efforts, it's important to focus on your customers, ICP, and buyer persona. This means working on your demand generation, lead handling, and Go To Market strategy simultaneously. By aligning these efforts, you can ensure that your content, form fields, and promotions are all in sync. It's crucial to avoid building your strategy based on the individual whims of your different commercial teams. Instead, collaborate to build assets that align with your target audience, drive demand, and capture leads effectively. This approach allows for a more cohesive and effective sales-led growth strategy that will help your B2B SaaS company thrive.

Go to Market Strategy

A crucial aspect of shifting from a product-led growth to a sales-led growth B2B SaaS company is developing a strong Go To Market strategy. This strategy should align with your target audience, ICP, and buying committees, and should be built collaboratively to ensure cohesiveness. One effective example of a sales-led strategy is a sales letter, which can be used to introduce potential customers to your product or service, and persuade them to make a purchase. A successful sales letter should be personalized to the recipient, clearly articulate the value proposition, and end with a strong call to action. By incorporating such a letter into your Go To Market strategy, you can effectively generate demand and capture leads for your B2B SaaS company.

Ideal Customer Profile & Persona

To successfully shift from a product-led growth to a sales-led growth model, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). Your ICP is a detailed description of the type of customer who will benefit most from your product or service. By working collaboratively with your team, you can determine which form fields, content, and promotions align with your ICP and buying committees. This will help you to effectively generate demand and capture leads for your B2B SaaS company. However, it's important to remember that all website content, presentations, sales sequences, and FAQ documents should align cohesively with your ICP.

It's important to understand the differences between your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyer Persona. While they may seem similar, both are crucial for effectively generating demand and capturing leads for your B2B SaaS company. An ICP, as outlined earlier, is a description of a company or organization, while a Buyer Persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data. By focusing on both assets and developing a strong Go To Market strategy that aligns with them, you can ensure a successful transition to a sales-led growth model and thrive as a B2B SaaS company.

While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two. An ICP is a detailed description of the type of customer who will benefit most from your product or service. In contrast, a Buyer Persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data. Knowing the difference between the two allows you to effectively generate demand and capture leads for your B2B SaaS company. By focusing on these assets and developing a strong Go To Market strategy that aligns with your ICP and Buyer Persona, you can ensure a successful transition and thrive as a sales-led growth B2B SaaS company.

Buying committee to identify roadblocks

B2B companies with long and complicated sales processes can benefit greatly from mapping their buying committees. By understanding the different stakeholders involved in the buying decision, companies can tailor their messaging and content to address the specific pain points and needs of each individual. This collaborative approach can lead to more successful sales outcomes and a more streamlined buying process. Additionally, mapping buying committees can help companies identify potential roadblocks or objections early on in the sales cycle, allowing them to address them proactively and increase the likelihood of closing the deal. Overall, taking the time to map out buying committees can be a valuable investment for B2B companies looking to optimize their sales processes and improve their bottom line.

Demand generation and capture 

In transitioning from a product-led growth to a sales-led growth strategy, it is crucial for the B2B SaaS company to develop a comprehensive demand generation plan. This plan will serve as a roadmap for attracting and engaging the target audience, ultimately driving qualified leads and revenue. By aligning marketing and sales efforts, the company can effectively leverage its buyer persona, Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), and buying committee to fuel growth.

1. Target Audience Refinement

To ensure the demand generation efforts are targeted and effective, it is necessary to review and validate the existing buyer persona and ICP. This involves analyzing customer data, conducting surveys, and gathering feedback from sales and customer success teams. Additionally, market research should be conducted to identify new segments and refine the target audience criteria. By gaining a deep understanding of the buying committee for each segment, the company can tailor its messaging and outreach to address their specific pain points and needs.

2. Content Strategy

A robust content strategy is a fundamental component of a successful demand generation plan. The company should create a content calendar that aligns with the target audience's needs and preferences. This calendar should encompass a mix of educational, thought leadership, and promotional content. Furthermore, the content should be optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) to increase visibility and shareability. Leveraging various content formats, such as blogs, whitepapers, videos, and webinars, will enable the company to engage prospects across different channels and capture their interest.

3. Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing plays a vital role in demand generation by attracting and nurturing leads. To optimize lead capture, the company should focus on optimizing website landing pages and forms, making them compelling and user-friendly. Once leads are captured, implementing lead nurturing campaigns becomes crucial for continued engagement and education. Marketing automation tools can be employed to score leads and deliver personalized communication, ensuring prospects receive relevant content at each stage of the buyer's journey. Additionally, the company should prioritize search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to drive organic traffic and increase conversions. Make sure to not forget about privacy regulations when capturing personal data.

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4. Outbound Marketing

Complementing inbound efforts, outbound marketing tactics can significantly contribute to demand generation. Account-based marketing (ABM) becomes essential in identifying high-value target accounts. By creating personalized email outreach and utilizing direct mail, the company can capture the attention of key decision-makers within these accounts. Social media advertising offers another avenue to target specific buyer personas and industries, further amplifying the outreach efforts. In addition, participating in industry events and conferences provides opportunities to generate leads, build brand awareness, and establish thought leadership within the target market.

5. Sales Enablement

In a sales-led growth strategy, strong alignment and collaboration between marketing and sales teams are critical. The company should work closely with the sales team to develop sales collateral and tools that align with the buyer's needs and address their pain points.

Furthermore, providing comprehensive training and resources to the sales representatives on the new sales-led strategy will enable them to effectively engage with prospects. Implementing a well-defined lead handoff process ensures a seamless transition from marketing to sales, maximizing conversion opportunities. Leveraging customer case studies and success stories can also support the sales efforts by showcasing the value and benefits of the company's solution.

6. Measurement and Optimization

To gauge the effectiveness of the demand generation plan, it is important to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the company's objectives. These KPIs may include metrics such as website traffic, lead generation, conversion rates, and revenue. By leveraging analytics tools, the company can track and analyze the performance of various marketing channels and tactics, identifying areas for improvement. Conducting regular A/B testing of different marketing approaches provides valuable insights and allows for continuous optimization of the demand generation plan.

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7. Budget and Resource Allocation

Allocating the appropriate budget and resources is crucial to executing the demand generation plan effectively. Based on the potential impact of each demand generation activity, the company should allocate budget accordingly. Determining the necessary resources for content creation, marketing campaigns, and sales enablement ensures that the plan is adequately supported. Regular monitoring and adjustment of budget and resource allocation, based on performance and results, will help optimize the plan's outcomes.

8. Timeline and Milestones

Creating a realistic timeline is essential for implementing and executing the demand generation plan. The timeline should outline specific milestones and deadlines for each phase and tactic, ensuring a structured and organized approach. Regular reviews and adjustments to the timeline should be made to accommodate changing market dynamics and shifting priorities, ensuring the plan remains agile and adaptable.

The demand generation plan serves as a strategic roadmap for a B2B SaaS company transitioning from product-led growth to sales-led growth. By effectively refining the target audience, developing a comprehensive content strategy, leveraging inbound and outbound marketing tactics, enabling the sales team, measuring performance, and allocating resources appropriately, the company can drive qualified leads and revenue growth. Ongoing monitoring, optimization, and adaptation are key to the success of the demand generation plan, enabling the company to achieve its growth objectives.

To help you stay on track, I've put together a comprehensive checklist summarizing the advice provided above. Use it to streamline your demand generation efforts and achieve your growth objectives.


Demand generation checklist

  1. Target Audience Refinement

    1. Review and validate existing buyer persona and Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

    2. Analyze customer data, conduct surveys, and gather feedback from sales and customer success teams

    3. Conduct market research to identify new segments and refine target audience criteria

    4. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the buying committee for each target segment

  1. Content Strategy

    1. Create a content calendar with a mix of educational, thought leadership, and promotional content

    2. Align content creation with the needs and pain points of the target audience

    3. Optimize content for search engine optimization (SEO) and shareability

    4. Utilize various content formats (blogs, whitepapers, videos, webinars, etc.) to cater to different buyer preferences

  2. Inbound Marketing

    1. Optimize website landing pages and forms for lead capture

    2. Implement lead nurturing campaigns to engage and educate prospects

    3. Utilize marketing automation tools for lead scoring and personalized communication

    4. Optimize search engine marketing (SEM) and search engine optimization (SEO) strategies

  3. Outbound Marketing

    1. Identify high-value target accounts for account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns

    2. Create personalized email outreach and utilize direct mail to engage key decision-makers

    3. Leverage social media advertising to target specific buyer personas and industries

    4. Participate in industry events and conferences to generate leads and build brand awareness

  4. Sales Enablement

    1. Marketing and Sales team collaborate to develop sales collateral and tools aligned with buyer needs

    2. Provide training and resources to sales representatives on the new sales-led strategy

    3. Implement a lead handoff process to ensure a smooth transition from marketing to sales

    4. Utilize customer case studies and success stories to support sales efforts

    6. Measurement and Optimization

    1. Establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the demand generation plan

    2. Track website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates using analytics tools

    3. Conduct A/B testing of different marketing channels and tactics

    4. Continuously analyze and optimize the demand generation plan based on data-driven insights

    7. Budget and Resource Allocation

    1. Allocate budget for various demand generation activities based on their potential impact

    2. Determine resource requirements for content creation, marketing campaigns, and sales enablement

    3. Monitor and adjust budget and resource allocation based on performance and results

    8. Timeline and Milestones

    1. Create a timeline for implementing and executing the demand generation plan

    2. Define specific milestones and deadlines for each phase and tactic

    3. Regularly review and adjust the timeline to accommodate changing market dynamics and priorities

Lead handling

Lead management is a critical aspect of demand generation for B2B SaaS companies. With the increasing volume of leads, it is essential to efficiently manage incoming leads, returning leads, customer conversions, lead routing, and lead scoring. This requires a well-designed plan that can achieve the objective of ensuring customers receive the right information at the right time without overwhelming the sales and marketing teams with administrative tasks.

To optimize lead management, B2B SaaS companies should consolidate lead data into a centralized lead management system that integrates with the company's customer relationship management (CRM) software. This provides a holistic view of the customer journey, enabling the sales and marketing teams to deliver personalized communication based on the customer's engagement level and interest.

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Effective lead management also requires proper lead routing and scoring to ensure the right leads are passed on to the sales team at the right time. By setting up lead scoring criteria based on the buyer's behavior, demographics, and firmographics, the company can prioritize leads and focus on those that are most likely to convert. This helps to reduce lead wastage and increase conversion rates.

Finally, B2B SaaS companies should also establish a process for returning leads. This involves re-engaging with leads that were not ready to make a purchase at the time of initial contact. By providing additional education and nurturing, the company can convert these leads into customers in the future.

Overall, effective lead management is critical to the success of demand generation for B2B SaaS companies. By implementing a well-designed plan that consolidates lead data, optimizes lead routing and scoring, and establishes a process for returning leads, the company can efficiently manage its lead pipeline and increase revenue growth.

1. Consolidate lead data

To further optimize lead management, the centralized lead management system should also integrate with the company's customer relationship management (CRM) software. This integration ensures that leads are seamlessly transferred from the marketing team to the sales team, allowing for timely follow-up and increased conversion rates. In addition, the system should incorporate lead scoring and routing capabilities, prioritizing leads based on their level of engagement and fit with the company's ideal customer profile. This automation not only saves time but also ensures that leads receive personalized communication at each stage of the buyer's journey. Finally, the system should allow for easy tracking and reporting of lead metrics, enabling the company to continuously evaluate and improve their lead management processes.

2. Lead sore

Lead scoring is an essential component of any B2B SaaS demand generation plan. It helps prioritize leads and allocate resources effectively by identifying the most qualified prospects. Defining clear lead scoring criteria based on attributes such as company size, industry, engagement level, and website activity can help streamline the lead management process.

Automating the lead scoring process through predefined rules ensures consistency and saves valuable time for the sales team. By assigning scores based on the predefined criteria, the sales team can quickly identify the most promising leads and focus their efforts accordingly. This can help improve conversion rates and reduce the sales cycle time, resulting in increased revenue.

However, it is crucial to regularly review and refine the lead scoring criteria to ensure they remain relevant and effective. As the market dynamics and customer needs change, the criteria should be updated accordingly. By continuously optimizing the lead scoring process, the company can ensure that the sales team is always working with the highest quality leads, maximizing the chances of success.

3. Lead routing

In parallel, implementing well-defined lead routing rules is essential to ensure leads are promptly assigned to the appropriate sales representatives. Consider factors such as territory, expertise, workload, and availability when designing the routing system. Automation tools can streamline this process, automatically assigning leads based on predefined criteria. This ensures a smooth handoff from marketing to sales, minimizing delays and optimizing the sales pipeline.

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4. Lead nurture

To maintain customer engagement throughout the buyer's journey, lead nurturing workflows are essential. By developing automated email sequences, educational content, and relevant resources tailored to different stages of the buyer's journey, B2B SaaS companies can nurture leads effectively. Automation tools can help deliver the right content at the right time, ensuring prospects receive valuable information without excessive manual effort.  

Developing a centralized workflow for lead management involves creating a comprehensive and automated system that tracks and manages leads based on their buyer journey stage. This system should incorporate lead scoring and segmentation criteria that align with the company's objectives and target audience. By segmenting leads based on where they are in the funnel, companies can tailor their communication and content accordingly, ensuring that prospects receive relevant and valuable information at the right time.

The lead scoring process should be automated and based on predefined criteria, such as company size, industry, engagement level, and website activity. By automating lead scoring, companies can ensure consistency and save valuable time for the sales team. Additionally, well-defined lead routing rules should be implemented to ensure that leads are promptly assigned to the appropriate sales representatives based on factors such as territory, expertise, workload, and availability. Automation tools can streamline this process, automatically assigning leads based on predefined criteria, which ensures a smooth handoff from marketing to sales, minimizing delays and optimizing the sales pipeline.

Lead nurturing workflows are also essential to maintaining customer engagement throughout the buyer's journey. By developing automated email sequences, educational content, and relevant resources tailored to different stages of the buyer's journey, B2B SaaS companies can nurture leads effectively. Automation tools can help deliver the right content at the right time, ensuring that prospects receive valuable information without excessive manual effort.

Ultimately, a centralized workflow for lead management that involves lead scoring and segmentation based on the buyer's journey stage of each lead is crucial to optimizing the sales pipeline, maximizing conversion opportunities, and achieving growth objectives.

5. Central customer database: CRM

Integration between marketing automation platforms and customer relationship management (CRM) systems is critical for successful lead management and increased revenue growth. When these systems are integrated, valuable lead information can flow seamlessly, enabling the sales team to access real-time data and provide personalized communication to prospects.

By having a central customer database, B2B SaaS companies can track and manage leads efficiently. This integration reduces administrative tasks, enhances efficiency, and enables sales and marketing teams to work together seamlessly. Moreover, it allows the sales and marketing teams to work on the same page, ensuring that leads receive the right communication at the right time, reducing the chances of losing potential customers.

By integrating marketing automation and CRM systems, companies can also gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and needs. This information can help optimize the demand generation plan, improve lead scoring, and enhance the lead nurturing process. Additionally, the integration allows for easy tracking and reporting of lead metrics, providing companies with the data-driven insights needed to continuously evaluate and improve their lead management processes.

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Therefore, B2B SaaS companies should prioritize the integration of marketing automation and CRM systems to optimize lead management and drive revenue growth. By having a centralized database, companies can streamline their lead management process, enhance efficiency, and provide personalized communication to prospects, increasing the chances of conversion.

B2B SaaS companies can handle incoming leads, returning leads, customer conversions, lead routing, and lead scoring efficiently by implementing a well-designed plan. By leveraging centralized lead management systems, lead scoring, lead routing rules, lead nurturing workflows, and CRM integration, companies can ensure that customers receive the right information at the right time. This streamlined approach minimizes administrative burdens on the sales and marketing teams, allowing them to focus on high-value activities and deliver an exceptional customer experience.

Lead handling checklist

  1. Implement a centralized lead management system

    1. Consolidate lead data from various sources.

    2. Enable easy access and tracking for sales and marketing teams.

  2. Define lead scoring criteria

    1. Assign values to lead attributes.

    2. Prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert.

  3. Set up lead routing rules

    1. Design clear rules for assigning leads to the appropriate sales representatives.

    2. Consider factors like territory, expertise, workload, and availability.

  4. Implement lead nurturing workflows

    1. Develop automated email sequences and content.

    2. Tailor resources to different stages of the buyer's journey.

    3. Solve for a central 'lead intake' workflow that includes scoring and segmentation based on the stage of the buyer journey of every lead.

  5. Integrate marketing automation and CRM systems:

    1. Ensure seamless data transfer and communication.

    2. Enable real-time access to lead information for personalized communication.

Conclusion: Holistic approach

In conclusion, transitioning from a product-led growth to a sales-led growth strategy in a B2B SaaS company requires careful planning, collaboration, and execution. By focusing on key areas such as developing a strong Go To Market strategy, refining the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Buyer Persona, mapping buying committees, and implementing effective demand generation and lead handling processes, companies can successfully make this shift and thrive in their respective markets.

Collaboration and alignment with the team are essential throughout the process. By working together to determine the right form fields, content, and promotions that align with the target audience, companies can ensure a cohesive and effective approach. It's important to avoid building strategies based on individual team preferences and instead focus on assets that align with the ICP, buyer persona, and buying committees.

A comprehensive demand generation plan plays a vital role in attracting and engaging the target audience, driving qualified leads, and ultimately achieving revenue growth. This plan should include refining the target audience, developing a content strategy, utilizing inbound and outbound marketing tactics, enabling the sales team, measuring performance, and allocating resources effectively. Ongoing measurement, optimization, and adaptation are necessary to ensure the plan remains aligned with the company's objectives and market dynamics.

Effective lead handling is crucial in managing the influx of leads and converting them into customers. Consolidating lead data into a centralized system, implementing lead scoring and routing, and establishing a process for returning leads are key elements of a successful lead management strategy. By efficiently managing the lead pipeline and providing personalized communication based on the customer's engagement level and interest, companies can increase conversion rates and revenue growth.

Overall, transitioning to a sales-led growth strategy requires a holistic approach and a deep understanding of the target audience, buyer persona, and buying committees. By focusing on collaboration, developing a strong Go To Market strategy, refining the ICP and Buyer Persona, implementing effective demand generation and lead handling processes, and continuously measuring and optimizing performance, B2B SaaS companies can successfully make this shift and thrive in their markets.

There is a lot more to a Go To Market strategy, such as pricing and product updates but I've chosen to focus on the topics I work with here in HubOps.

Book a free meeting to discuss the state of your Go To Market strategy and how to grow your company.

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